
Skincare for us women over 50 becomes a necessity. At Style Beyond Age we trial, test and treat ourselves with a range of luxury and natural products, sharing our findings and recommendations with you.

8 Ways I’ll Be Detoxing This Week!

8 Ways I’ll Be Detoxing This Week!

TGI2019! I am happy to say that I ended the year strong with all cylinders burning, but the stress of the holidays, general over-indulgences and winter-chill has me feeling (a little) drained. I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling that maybe need a full life DETOX! My...

Methode Brigitte Kettner

Methode Brigitte Kettner

Methode Brigitte Kettner has sponsored this post. All opinions are my own. The Woman Behind Methode Brigitte Kettner Driven by her passion for a homeopathic approach to skincare, Ms. Brigitte Kettner, a well-known German biologist and skincare specialist, developed...

My At-Home Spa Day Essentials From $2-$200

My At-Home Spa Day Essentials From $2-$200

I get a lot of comments on my skin. I am sure that you can agree, being preventative and consistent with a skincare regime has paved the way for my skincare success. Here's what's on my bathroom counter, my favorite products from $2 to $200. Walgreens...

Why You Should Plank, Every Day

Why You Should Plank, Every Day

The one minute plank will make you stronger in every part of your body. Don’t worry too much about how you start it or how long you can keep it. Just do it! If you can’t do a full plank start on your forearms and knees, hold it as long as you can and try...

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