
Everything fashionable, fun and fabulous in the world of Lifestyle. Join us on the Style Beyond Age blog for treats, teasers and tasteful tips from this over 50 fashion and ifestyle blogger.

Take Control This Valentine’s Day

Take Control This Valentine’s Day

Take control this Valentine´s Day. This year we´re doing things a little differently. It’s less about me, more about him. I´m about to take control this Valentine´s day; and after a fantastic day and night, you might consider doing the same. There is so much emphasis...

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Flying First Class to a Safari Shack

Flying First Class to a Safari Shack

Join our Resident Traveler as she´s flying fist class to a safari shack. This one was a trip filled with indulgence, adventure and inspiration. It began in the lap of luxury and ended in an African safari hut. Both equally delightful in their own unique way, but a...

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My Chinese New Year Celebrations

My Chinese New Year Celebrations

Today on the Style Beyond Age blog, I´m sharing my Chinese New Year celebrations. Do you stay up for New Year’s? I can’t do that anymore, so I started celebrating the Chinese New Year. This year it is January 25 and I make an occasion of it.   You can celebrate...

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10 Tips to Stay Active After 50

10 Tips to Stay Active After 50

The spirit of wellness continues on the Style Beyond Age blog, we´re sharing 10 tips to stay active after 50. The new year is a time when we´re supposed to feel energized and full of ambition, but instead the holiday over-indulge often leaves us feeling bloated and a...

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My Wellness Journey at 65

My Wellness Journey at 65

My joy for life is still burning strong, here I´m sharing my wellness journey at 65. Join us on the Style Beyond Age blog.   As you might know, I started to live full-time In Montana about four years ago. I was finished with my large construction project there...

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