5 Alternative Hand Washing Soundtracks & Hand Care Tips
Regularly washing our hands is a hot topic of conversation everywhere right now. We must all do what we can to stay safe and take personal responsibility to protect those most at risk at during time. But, that´s not to say we can´t enjoy ourselves at the same time. Enjoy these 5 Alternative hand washing soundtracks and hand care tips.
We are all concerned, we are all affected, we all want to beat this thing, but we also need a bit of light-hearted fun. So, are you ready to get your dancing shoes on? I do joke, but if like me, you´re fed up of singing “Happy Birthday” to yourself every time you wash your hands then this is just what you need.
5 Handwashing Soundtracks That are NOT Happy Birthday
Here are 5 alternative tracks that you can sing, hum or dance along with to ensure you´re washing your hands for the advised amount of time – around 20 seconds – and have some fun whilst you´re doing it.

Helpful Hints from me
Use warm water (above 25 degrees)
After washing, ensure to dry your hands thoroughly.
To prevent your hands from drying out, keep them well moisturized. The thicker the better as it helps to prevent cracks and germs love to lurk there.
These are the products I´ve been using:
Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream
Aveda Hand Relief Moisturizing Cream
Gena Green Tea Hot Manicure Lotion
They are all really great!

Stay safe and sane.
I´m off to polish some silver in my ball gown – just because – but more on that later!