Using Sound Meditation to Aide Your Body’s Ability to Heal Itself
The Goal of Crystal Bowl sound meditation is to reduce stress and pain, promote deep relaxation, develop self-awareness, improve learning, and clarify personal values.
All in the Universe is made up of vibration. In a relaxed state the human body, including our brain waves, vibrate at a fundamental frequency of about 8 cycles per second. This allows us to be attuned to the basic electromagnetic field of the Earth itself—the Divine Vibration.
Our bodies are genetically pre-programmed to be self-healing instruments given a supportive environment and lifestyle. When the vibration of one body part is in harmony with the rest of the body and with the Divine Vibration each body part will be healthy. The body can heal itself in a state of deep relaxation. Sound and music are some of the easiest ways to evoke the relaxation response.
Sound can promote healing or dis-ease depending on the quality of vibration. The vibrations we surround ourselves with reach us where words and hands cannot.
Sound affects our organs, tissues, cells, and DNA. Sound vibrations can produce changes in the autonomic, immune, endocrine and neuropeptide systems.
One of the main properties of quartz crystal is to amplify. Crystal can also store, amplify, transfer, and transmute energy. Combining these properties with the Divine Blueprint vibrations they produce, Crystal Singing Bowls generate sound that restores the correct harmonic patterns for health.
I discovered the power of sound in 2013 while healing from a major health crisis. I acquired and began playing my set of Crystal Singing Bowls for public and private groups in 2015. Seven of my twelve bowl set are tuned to the major body/chakra systems. Five bowls are tuned to the major endocrine systems of the body. Each bowl, when toned, can affect body areas associated with it.
My intention at all of my Crystal Bowl Meditations is to provide a relaxing experience to support the intention you come with for your own healing. I provide sessions for groups and individuals with a general or specific focus. Crystal Bowl sessions are great for all ages, environments and animals! For more information about Crystal Bowl Meditation contact me at [email protected] or 402.253.5027.
Love and Blessings,