Is a Fraxel skin resurfacing treatment right for you?
How I finally decided to take the plunge.
I have been wanting to take the sun damage off my neck and chest for a very long time. Have you noticed how we all seem to take great care of the skin on our face but our neck and chest gets neglected?
When I see beautiful skin on a décolletage I am always in awe.
Between the cost, the lack of knowledge and the downtime I kept getting stuck. Finally, everything lined up for me and I took the plunge.
These are the steps I took.
1. I waited for a sale at the Medspa
2. I scheduled it for the fall/winter months so I could stay out of the sun
3. I did my research Well that should be #1 but you know…..
Fraxel is a non-ablative laser that targets aging and sun damage with microscopic laser columns that penetrate deep into your skin. Since the laser treats only a fraction of tissue at a time it leaves the surrounding tissue intact which promotes rapid healing. The skin is resurfaced and new cell growth is stimulated from the inside out.
First, there was numbing which took about 45 minutes or so.

The laser part didn’t take long. We did three passes over my neck and chest. It wasn’t bad at all pain wise and it when by quickly.

After the procedure was over and the numbing cream wore off I draped myself in cold towels. I was very hot. About an hour later I was feeling fine but my skin felt “stiff”. You are sent home with plenty of product to keep the skin pliable. This is one of the few times when I actually am glad to follow rules!

Three days later the surface skin starts to get red and peel and it’s not pretty.
Don’t pick at it!

I was surprised at how little time it took for my skin to look and feel presentable again. About a week for me.

Five days later.
As time has gone by, now about three months, I am shocked at the improvement. Why did I wait so long!!
My experience was great. Not as difficult as I expected and my results are more than I would have dreamt of!

Thank you to the highly skilled Kirsten Svennungsen -MSB, BA, RN at the
Laser Cosmetic Center in Kalispell Montana for such a good experience.
PS. She is a genius with a needle as well!
