The Fine Line Magazine asked women in their 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s to write short personal essays answering the question, What does aging gracefully mean to you? Each one is a window into the mental and physical lives of women as they grow older. This essay is by 66-year-old blogger Sonia Lovett, who wants to help other women stay in touch with their power as they age. Watch for more submissions all this month and submit your own essay to [email protected].
GE is seeking a big-hearted, age defying, lives-life-to-the fullist and brings-out-the-best-in-everyone kind of Grandma. A Grandma who can make us laugh and hasn’t touched a cookbook in decades. A Grandma who believes in tradition but is anything but traditional. Our type of grandma understands that culture is passed on through shared moments and traditions, and won’t take “no” for an answer when asking you if you’re hungry.
Our Great America grandma will be hired part-time for a 10-15 hour per month gig, sharing the secrets of great recipes… of food, fun and family.
$50,000 salary
Will receive 5 brand new, top of the line GE Appliances kitchen products
Send us a video showing why YOU are the Great American Grandma! No resume needed. We want to learn more about you. Include your grandkids (or not) . Friends and family can also submit applications on grandma‘s behalf. Send us an interview of your squeezable, lovable, witty, cantankerous, fashionable, camera-loving, foodie, edgy matriarch.
Duration: Engagement as a contracted employee for a 10–15 hours a month assignment from March 15, 2019 – March 15, 2020.Additional opportunities possible.
TGI2019! I am happy to say that I ended the year strong with all cylinders burning, but the stress of the holidays, general over-indulgences and winter-chill has me feeling (a little) drained. I’m sure I’m not alone in feeling that maybe need a full life DETOX!
My friend Chandler gave himself a New Years Resolution in November: “Bring no noise from 2018 into 2019”. What an excellent way to start the new year; with a clean slate! Don’t stress if you’re late to the party (like me); there are plenty of ways we can clear up the clutter and detox our lives to set us up for a killer 2019.
I found a fantastic resource at the Power of Positivity’ s website that had some tips that I will start implementing today to help clear the clutter, detox myself and the world around me so that I can have my best year yet! I hope you’ll join me! For the full article go here.
CLEAR THE CLUTTER We all have it: “stuff”…meaningless, excessive, pointless “stuff” that seems to pile up on us. Where is your “stuff” currently? Whether it’s on your desk, in your closet, in the living room, on a table, or in your car, get rid of it. Usually, clutter results from having an excessive amount of anything – books, papers, toys, shoes, clothes, food, antiques – that occupies space for no particular reason. But it fills more than just space in your home; it takes up space in your brain.
“I dream of Simple” gives us an easy to follow checklist on how to declutter your home in 8 simple steps.
If you haven’t been inspired by Marie Kondo yet, allow 2019 to be the year that you expereince the magic. You can get “The Life Changing Magic of Tyding Up” on Amazon.
EAT CRUCIFEROUS VEGETABLES Eating your greens is a great way to remove cancer-causing toxic agents from your body. Cruciferous veggies like Broccoli, cabbage, and Brussel sprouts are rich in indole-3-carbinol (I3C), which help your body clear out excess estrogens. Excess chemicals that act like estrogen in the body come from our beauty products, BPA plastics, hormones given to animals that we eat and even some pesticides. These estrogen-like chemicals are called xenestrogens, and they can lead to early hormonal changes in developing teenage girls and boys and can also contribute to the development of breast and other cancers.
What the heck is a cruciferous veggie you might be asking?? The ultimate guide to these healthy greens is at Real Food RN along with a comprehensive recipe list for all vegetables in question. My personal favorite right now is Bok Choy sauteed with wild mushrooms, ginger, and garlic. YUM!
I love to start my day with my favorite green juice: Kale, Spinach, Celery, Cucumber, Granny Smith Apple, Lemon, and Ginger. It like green lemonade!
PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR SPIRITUAL NEEDS Religious or spiritual needs are something that ought not to be neglected. Whether you meditate, read scripture, pray, attend church, enjoy the beauty of nature, or something else, doing the things that uplift your spirit is essential to your balance and wellbeing. Try to take at least 20-30 minutes a day tending to these needs. If this is not possible for whatever reason, spend 10-15 minutes to meditate, read scripture, or enjoy some solitude before hitting the pillow.
DISCONNECT AND RECONNECT We believe that overuse and overdependence on technology are toxic. If you don’t believe us, think: How many people have you seen driving while on a cell phone? Have your kids pulled out a tablet or cell phone at the dinner table? Has a co-worker ignored you or someone else while replying to their 100th text message? Technology certainly has its role. Advances in technology have resulted in medical advances, educational improvements, scientific discoveries and more. But it’s had a negative impact on our actual connection with each other. Families drift apart; parents bring their work home, kids tap away on Facebook instead of opening their textbook. There’s no real presence of mind with excessive technology use. Be mindful with how and when you use technology.
Screen Time App
This app has been a fantastic feature! Knowing how much time I am on my phone curbed my dependence on it. Now it’s a game for me to make sure that every week I can continue to go down on my usage.
Turn off Netflix Auto-Play
I didn’t even know this was a thing! How many hours (DAYS) have you lost to NetFlix and their culture of bing watching! Join me in reclaiming your TV!
Charge in the Kitchen
I started charging my phone outside of my bedroom a few years ago, and I have experienced a more restful nights sleep without the unexpected distractions from the blue light and sudden noise making. Make your bedroom a technology-free zone—keep your electronics outside the room (that includes a TV!).
EXERCISE Movement helps to stimulate your circulatory system, and blood flowing helps the other organs to process toxins. Toxins are stored in fat cells, so losing fat will release toxins. Be sure to stay hydrated by drinking some clean, filtered water whenever you are exercising, using a sauna or taking an Epsom salt bath since these can be dehydrating.
Speaking of water, make sure that you’re getting enough quality purified H2O. I got a Zero Water filter, and it has honestly changed my life. I even got the men in my life to up their water game! The Zero water filter takes out all of the hard metals that are in our drinking water. It is the cleanest purest tasting water that I have ever had.
Lace up those sneakers ladies! Don’t let the ball gown get in the way!
EPSOM SALT SOAK Soak in a natural mineral hot spring if you can or seek out a flotation therapy tank. If you can’t find these natural cleansing baths near you, then the next best thing is a bathtub with piping hot water and some Epsom salts. Make your bath salt blend with Epsom salts, natural mineral salts, baking soda, a moisturizing oil (I like Coconut Oil) and essential oils for their aromatherapy benefits.
SWEAT One of the easiest ways to detox is by sweating. Any exercise that gets you sweating will help naturally detox your body through the skin. Sweating with sauna therapy is another way to increase circulation, sweat out toxins and improve lymphatic flow for cleaning. After a good sweat, make sure to clean your skin with a shower so that the toxins that you sweat out of your system are washed away.