Tips to Control Sugar Cravings
Do you ever get cravings for something sweet and sugary? No matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to shake them? If so, don’t worry! You’re not alone.
What you may not know is that there are some things you can do to help avoid sugar cravings altogether. So if you’re looking for a way to finally break your sugar habit, keep reading. We’ve got some tips for you!
These Tips will Help Control Sugar Cravings

Drink 8 Ounces of Water Every Morning
The first and easiest tip is to drink water. When I wake up I drink 8 ounces of water before I do anything else, even before drinking my coffee. Drinking water first thing in the morning not only helps to give my body a feeling of fullness, it also helps flush out my stomach and balances the lymphatic system so I can stay healthier.
Eat protein
When I was much younger, I tried an experiment every time I wanted sugar. When the cravings started, I scrambled an egg or ate some protein. Guess what? It worked!
I guarantee you, the cravings subsided every time. That doesn’t mean you have to eat protein all day, but it could mean that a bite or two of protein is really what your body is needing when you think it wants sugar.

Avoid Artificial Sweeteners
It seems counterintuitive, but artificial sweeteners keep your mind tricked into wanting sugar. To avoid the sweeteners, I always order water with no ice. Occasionally I will ask for a lemon wedge, which adds a bit of flavor to the water.
I drink water constantly all day long. Water flushes out my system and keeps my belly full.

Eat Fruit
This advice has to be taken very carefully. If your sugar cravings have made you put on weight and your goal is to avoid that, my advice is eat berries. Blueberries are on the top of the list followed by raspberries, blackberries and strawberries. I avoid all high in sugar fruits – like bananas, apples and oranges.

Avoid Triggering Places
If you’re not comfortable at controlling your sugar cravings, I would avoid certain places, especially ones that have a beautiful bakery counter like this. A few days ago I was going to breakfast and had to walk through a bakery. Not fair, right?
Well fair doesn’t mean that you and your family can’t go out to places like this. What it does mean, is don’t go to your destination feeling hungry. Having a full belly or a glass of water before you go out, will help you avoid unnecessary calories from beautiful sugary items.

Don’t Starve Yourself
The biggest mistake most people make is starving themselves. Don’t do it.
Your body will need to recover the lost calories by eating more than you originally did – to maintain it’s energy! My solution is to make smoothies, but probably not the kind you are used to having – with all the sugar.
My smoothies start with a bit of ice in my Nutra bullet. Add a tablespoon or so of coconut creamer (no artificial sugars), some collagen powder and powdered fruits and veggies. Whip it all up for a delicious and nutritious drink.
Eat in Small Portions
I also eat when I’m hungry in small portions throughout the day. Even if we’re going out for dinner at six and I’m hungry at four o’clock, I will get a healthy snack before I go like a piece of protein or some almonds that I always keep handy in my car.

Take a multivitamin daily
There are many great multivitamins on the market. I also add vitamin D and Zinc to my daily regimen. Remember to always read the label on the bottle and consult with your physician with any questions about what vitamins would be the best for you and your body.

Get some exercise
Exercising whether indoors or outdoors and getting out in nature are imperative to sleeping well. Being well rested also relieves stress. Start off slowly each day and build up to an exercise routine that works for you. It may be hard to get started, but once you do you’ll be glad you did.

Limit alcohol consumption
Excessive alcohol consumption can prompt your cravings for fat and sugar. Try drinking fewer cocktails throughout the week so that it does not interfere with your health goals. Everyone deserves a treat and if you love to indulge in a cocktail, plan it out in advance and add it to your food plans. Remember food plans do not have to be perfect every day. We all deserve a yummy treat or cocktail every now and then.
Indulge Discriminately
It’s inevitable. Sugar is not going away any time soon. And it’s delicious! If you are going to go for something sweet, make sure it’s for a special occasion or that you balance your sugar intake with other healthy food options throughout the day.

Always remember that sugar is not nourishing to our bodies, it’s just a delicious treat that we all deserve every once in a while.
Awareness and moderation go a long way on our journey for a healthier lifestyle and diet.