The Integratron is a unique structure located in Landers, California, about 20 miles north of Joshua Tree National Park. It was built by George Van Tassel, a former aircraft mechanic and ufologist. He claimed that he received instructions for the Integratron’s design from extraterrestrial beings, the Venucians to be exact. The structure was built with the intention of being a machine for time travel, rejuvenation, and communication with other worlds. That being said, we couldn’t get to Landers fast enough to start exploring the benefits of sound baths and their fascinating history!!

Exploring the Benefits of Sound Baths
The Integratron is a dome-shaped building made entirely of wood and is constructed without any metal nails or screws. It is based on the design of Moses’ Tabernacle, as well as the work of inventor Nikola Tesla. The building is also said to be constructed on a powerful geomagnetic vortex, which adds to its unique energy field.

Today, the Integratron is used as a sound healing center and is known for its “sound baths,” which are said to be deeply relaxing and rejuvenating. During a sound bath, visitors lie down in the Integratron’s main chamber while quartz crystal singing bowls are played. The sound waves are said to have a healing effect on the body and mind.

One study found that sound baths can help reduce stress, fatigue, and symptoms of depression. The high vibrational frequencies emitted by crystal bowls can guide the mind, body, and soul into deep relaxation. This is where healing can really take place wherever necessary. Sound baths can also help quiet the mind, improve focus, and make you feel more relaxed. Leading to a range of health improvements such as better digestion, concentration, moods, and sleep. Additionally, sound waves can deepen a meditative practice, bringing you into a meditative state faster than traditional meditation.

Visitors can book private sound baths or attend group sound bath sessions at the Integratron. In addition, the grounds include a gift shop and offer tours of the building’s unique architecture and history. We thoroughly enjoyed our time exploring the benefits of sound baths and learning all about their fascinating history! For more information on Sound Healing please follow us to a post that we did a few years back: Using Sound Meditation to Aide Your Body’s Ability to Heal Itself.